A tiny Jasamine flower. Can you look into yourself and see something so pure and perfect? It’s there. Now you’ll need to find it and bring it out to move the world.

  My three part interpretation of the lyric of “All the King’s Horses” concludes:

           The next line, “throw down my arms and give my all…”, speaks to the dropping of all resistance to this knowledge and to the power it carries. Knowing the truth, we can no longer in good conscience resist the message. Nor the great responsibility it carries. We can no longer turn away from our power. We can create our happiness. We can create our world in its most perfect form.

           And by dropping your resistance, throwing down your arms, you must put aside and give up those things inside yourself that you carry as weapons against your higher self. By that I mean those things that allow you to feel you are somehow undeserving of everything you want in this world. The self-doubts, the buried pains and hurts, both inflicted on you and perhaps inflicted by you on others. The losses and loneliness and shames. Whether slight or large. Whether clearly visible or deeply hidden. You must call upon yourself and whatever help around you that you might need to pull these out and forgive them. You must utterly forgive all of these doubts and transgressions. You must realize your power to heal yourself in this way. You can look square inside yourself and forgive. And forgive completely.

           And you must forgive yourself your misshapen and false personal identities. Any feelings that you are somehow incapable of these things or have negative tendencies or destructive, or handicapping qualities that keep you from rising to a greater place in yourself… they all must be seen and forgiven. You must look inside and see. Then you must do; you must act to openly, honestly and sincerely forgive everything. This is the start of your power. And you will feel it immediately.

           And having found and created this purer self the only thing to do is just this: give your all. You must see into yourself and create the one being you want to love. Find your passions and see the route to expressing them. You will find all of your happiness in that. And all around you, others will see it in you and respond to you. You will find the true affinities with the souls around you. Once you find this Love inside yourself and set it ablaze everything else will flow from you and to you.

            You will be able to look into your own light and see what it is that you most want in your life. What you want to do with your life. It is this in you that your light must illuminate. It is in seeing this, that you will gain the power to create your world.

           In short, you must know what it is you want. Because it is to this vision that you will give your all.

           And with the glowing torch you hold within you will be able to see your world very clearly. You will be able to look out at the landscape in front of you and you will be able to see exactly what is there. There will no longer be any need for the judgments and fears of the past. The empty hoping will seem almost funny now. You will be free. And you will be free to act on what you see.

           And you will see that your responsibility is to act, to do, to bring the truth of your inner passion to life. The energy you will create and glow into the world will in turn set others ablaze. This is how we change the world.

           “I’ll be your soldier of Love.”

           This speaks to the responsibility to the universe. This is the responsibility and honor of a soldier to carry forth the order. In this case it is the order from within ourselves. We will be true to ourselves and project the Love we have within. And it is not something you pick up and put down when you feel like it. It is not a practice or a ritual that can briefly connect you to some higher spirit. This is entirely within you to create moment by moment. And to shine out into the world around you.

           The singer then corrects it with “I am your soldier of Love” as the conversion is complete. This is not a promise we make for some future application. Knowing and applying these things we can now move forward with full grace into the very next moment. And the next. And see and feel the effect. There is the effect on our inner self and the effect on those around us.

           “Glad to be falling… for the beauty within… beauty within… beauty within.”

            This sums it up nicely. Falling for the beauty within. And it is the endless falling more and more deeply in Love that makes it all stronger, that makes our fire glow ever brighter.

            So I hear this song and feel it all. I hear these words and am re-armed. I am a soldier of Love.

            — continued (Next Chapter: There is no Time)