Reality is art. Everywhere there is something beautiful. Begin to see the beauty all around. Slow down. Change your perspective. Your world is speaking to you. Please be an appreciative audience.

What is art? I didn’t ask See Do this. Perhaps I should have.

            Wikipedia’s article begins with “Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or the emotions.” I might add “–and to the spirit.”

  begins with “1. the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.”

            I think you see where this is going. We are each painting or creating this right now, complete with a sense of uniform time passage and panoply of perfectly integrated memories. It is driven from within each of us by our spirit energy. This energy flows out of us through the resonant energies of the conscious-self to form reflected stimuli that flow back through our perceptual keyhole to be re-integrated into a cohesive view that becomes our immediate temporal reality.

            But it is impossible to deny, there is something inside us, inside every one of us – even the least spiritually connected – that wants it to be good. There is something that wants it to be in tune with a (perhaps a very personal) idea of what is appealing, attractive, even beautiful. We wish for it and respond positively when we find it.

            Inside each of us is our spirit-truth. This truth, this essence, is the force which strives to paint the world in a fuller glory. Between palette and canvas is your conscious-self. And it is a two-way street. As your inner energies flow out, they are refracted through the lens of your conscious-self’s resonant energy. There may be many internal obstacles, pre-conceived notions, wrong-headed ideas, self-limitations and unforgiven self-admonitions that bend the inner truth into a less than beautiful vision of now.

            And as you receive the reflected stimuli back into your conscious world view, there may be many miss-applied interpretations, prejudices and stereotyped and pre-packaged bad definitions that create an interpretation of reality that takes it even further from beautiful.

            The spirit of truth inside you wants to paint a world that is beautiful. It throws out its infinite energies for you to perceive. All around you is an infinite display of your own soul’s doing. No matter your outlook, the spirit will find a way to slip in some beauty for you.

           Look at the world. There is something beautiful to see, to smell, to taste, to touch, to hear. You may have to look for it. You may have to change your style of looking. You will need to dispense with all automatic negative judgement and prejudice.

           You will need to begin again, like a child, to see the world as an infinitely unfolding work of art. What did it say? “…a quality…of expression…that is of more than ordinary significance.”

           Look at the world you are in. Look at your right now. And know that this moment is of much more than ordinary significance. And this moment. And this.

           The reality you are in is an expression of truth and it is trying to speak to you. It is built on a framework of spiritual beauty. It carries a message from within your spirit. Try and see it. Try and hear it. This vast work of art is for you alone. This perspective you enjoy belongs to no one else. No one sees exactly what you see. This unique set of perceptual stimuli are for you. They form a special, significant message addressed to you alone.

           By any definition, it is art. You now must try and learn to appreciate its beauty, its message, its implication.

           Take a step closer to understanding your own truth, your own passion. Your canvas awaits.

           –continued  (Next: We look at our power to create our own reality artwork.)