Does your world view present harmony or chaos? The moment you live in flows out of your resonance and reflects your inner spirit connection. Do you see fluid beauty or a jumble? Does it sparkle? Or is it just wet? It’s your world.

Now let’s look a little more closely at this moment we are living in. Here is the “now.” Here is the world of our perceptions, shored up by a beautiful labyrinth of memories and physical evidence. And looking out into the world, there is a complete reality, full of events and people and constant ongoing interactions. But how robust is this smooth fabric of reality that we perceive?

            According to my Spirit Guide, See Do, the idea that the existence of any single moment extends, or that the time-frame extends, in some sort of gigantic and concrete “now-ness” is an illusion. To put it simply: there is no consistent existence of any perceived moment.

            As each of us, peering through our keyholes, perceives this moment, there is no solid lock-up between our disparate and individual perceptions. Each of us is perceiving time passing in accord with our own sense of awareness and level of attention. And of course, everybody’s perception is true to their individual perception of their reality.

            As we interact, our realities merge seamlessly.

            Looking out across the world, we receive information that is in perfect resonance with the world we, and the other individuals in our world perception, are projecting or creating. Some of us will be more in tune with our resonance and some of us less in tune. Some will be reaching a close sense of harmony with a world that is in alignment with their state of True Being.

          Those who are less in tune will perceive a world that appears much less connected to their spirit than those who are in tune. The world may appear random and at odds with them and their wishes. It is because they perceive a moment that merges with the projected moments of others who are more connected to their spirit energies. Or, in a worst-case scenario, they are in a merged moment of multiple souls who have scant connection, or no connection with their resonances. Without some sense of inner harmony being projected the world will present chaos, at worst violence.

           Those who are in tune with at least some of their resonance will see a world where events seem to come to them. They feel that they can “call it in.” And they will see, if they’re observant, objects and patterns paint on the world straight out of their recent positive experiences. Positive memory of the past can be used as the palette of the present. Their “now” feels in harmony with their inner feelings. The two reflect and refract. It just feels good to live in this state, if one can achieve it.

           But I digress. The point is that the intermingling of our perceived temporal reality is all we have. It is our perception of the “now.” It all comes from one thing that will pour out a completely consistent viewpoint for you. But yours and mine are not tied to some unbendable fabric of Time. We can both watch the same clock tick, but there is utterly no way to tie our two perceived moments down as one. Our full perception is uniquely our own.

           We live in our own “now.” Each present and current moment of existence is all we can interact with. And there is not one big “now” that we all inhabit. Remember, Time does not exist, but Time is all we perceive. The future is not set. But neither is the past. And your work is in the present.

           It may take some time to absorb these thoughts. It may be impossible for some. I know. It has taken me years to come to terms with much of what See Do has told me. And some, I must admit, I still can’t fully grasp.

           Do your best. Seek your state of True Being. Bring your positive resonant energy into temporal reality. We will all appreciate your efforts.

           –continued  (Next: Are we stuck in this reality?)